Hair Loss Quiz

Answer a few questions to get a quick assessment and set yourself up for a discussion with our Hair Loss Specialist.

Before we get started, let us know if you are interested in solutions for:

Prefer not to answer

When did you first notice your hair loss?

Not sure, looking to prevent
Within the last year
Over a year ago

How much hair have you lost?

A little
A lot

Where are you noticing hair loss?

No visible loss
Along the hairline
Hairline and crown
Crown, temple, and forehead
All the top
Little to no hair

Do you know the cause of your hair loss?

Select all that apply

Illness or hair conditions
Medications or
prescription drugs
Don't know
Why We Ask?>
Identifying the cause of your hair loss helps us determine the best solution for you. Some causes of hair loss worsen over time, while others may only be temporary. Knowing which one is affecting you may change our recommended course of action.

What treatments have you tried?

Select all that apply

Oral supplements
Laser therapy
Hair replacement
Hair transplant
Other/none of the above

Hair loss affects everyone differently.

How has it affected you when it comes to activities like meeting new people, dating, work, special events, or going to the gym?

A little
A lot

How much hair have you lost?

A little
A lot

Where are you noticing hair loss?

Widening part
Patches of hair loss
Overall thinning
Thinning and scalp visibility

Do you know the cause of your hair loss?

Select all that apply

Illness or hair conditions
Harsh styling or
chemical treatments
Hormonal changes
Oral contraceptives and other prescription drugs
Don’t know
Why We Ask?>
Identifying the cause of your hair loss helps us determine the best solution for you. Some causes of hair loss worsen over time, while others may only be temporary. Knowing which one is affecting you may change our recommended course of action.

What treatments have you tried?

Select all that apply

Oral supplements
Laser therapy
Hair replacement
Hair transplant
Wig or extensions
Other/none of the above

Hair loss affects everyone differently.

How has it affected you when it comes to activities like meeting new people, dating, work, special events, or going to the gym?

A little
A lot

How much hair have you lost?

A little
A lot

Where are you noticing hair loss?

No visible loss
Along the hairline
Hairline and crown
Crown, temple, and forehead
All the top
Little to no hair
Widening part
Patches of hair loss
Overall thinning
Thinning and scalp visibility

Do you know the cause of your hair loss?

Select all that apply

Illness or hair conditions
Harsh styling or
chemical treatments
Hormonal changes
Oral contraceptives and other prescription drugs
Don’t know
Why We Ask?>
Identifying the cause of your hair loss helps us determine the best solution for you. Some causes of hair loss worsen over time, while others may only be temporary. Knowing which one is affecting you may change our recommended course of action.

What treatments have you tried?

Select all that apply

Oral supplements
Laser therapy
Hair replacement
Hair transplant
Wig or extensions
Other/none of the above

Hair loss affects everyone differently.

How has it affected you when it comes to activities like meeting new people, dating, work, special events, or going to the gym?

A little
A lot


It’s Time to Get You Hair

See your results below and then schedule an appointment to meet with one of our Hair Loss Specialists.

Possible Solutions for You:

Prevention & Regrowth Treatments
Best for those seeing the first signs of thinning or receding hair
Regrow hair, add volume and strength, and reduce the risk of further hair loss
Just a few minutes a day in the comfort of your home
Easy-to-use, FDA-approved treatment
Hair Replacement Systems
Ideal for moderate to advanced hair thinning or loss
The fastest way to get a full head of hair
A natural and undetectable non-surgical option that’s like your own hair
Choose the length of hair you want and change styles when you want
Surgical Hair Transplant
An option for people with enough healthy hair follicles 
Uses the most advanced technology to permanently restore your hair
Convenient outpatient procedures, feel like yourself in no time
Consult with a skilled physician specializing in hair restoration